Turbo Charge Your Summer Coaching

Here at Trevero, we’re cruising along and keeping busy in the best possible way – by supporting you, our amazing clients through the new opportunities, challenges and transitions you’re facing.
One of the focuses for our team this year has been “keeping it fresh.” Have you ever been in a rut in your coaching? Maybe where you don’t know what to talk about, or feel like things have gotten a little repetitive? I’ve been there too!

It’s in that spirit that I want to share some strategies for turbo-charging your summer coaching. Try one, or try them all! Most importantly, keep it honest with your coach and how they can best partner with you and add value in your current season.

Ideas to Turbo-Charge Your Coaching

  • Commit to focusing on you for the next 3 sessions – not the organization, not the drama. Just you and how you can lead yourself better.
  • Try a self-inventory tool. (Wheel of Life, Burnout Awareness, Personal Values, Assertiveness Test etc…) These exercises build our self-awareness muscles to help keep us out of trouble – instead of having to climb out of it.
  • Consult with your coach to build a pre-call document specifically for your current goals
  • Switch to a phone call. Or switch to Zoom. Take a walk while you talk. Or, if you are usually multi-tasking, try sitting still.
  • Take 2 minutes before the meeting to sit in stillness and prepare your mind.
  • Email/text your coach when big things come up that you’d like to talk about so you’ll each remember for your next call
  • Finally, How clear is your vision? Check the foundations of your vision and values. Find the cracks and the gaps and keep building your exciting vision for the future. Does your vision excite you? Does it scare you at least a little? If not, keep digging in with your coach.

As we head into summer, “busy” is a given for most of us and our teams. Don’t forget that you are in charge of yourself, your priorities, and your calendar. Lean back, perhaps a frozen drink in hand, and take a breather to think on how you can leverage your self-leadership this summer.

As you’re leaning back, frozen lemonade in hand, don’t forget that our coaches have a combined 30+ years of Chick-fil-A experience. We work with leaders across the country and are constantly learning more about the restaurant business. Pick our brains – we’re here to support!

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